STT Half Natural Slick Out Half Windmill Tool Cutting Saddle
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STT Half Natural Slick Out Half Windmill Tool Cutting Saddle
16.5 / NATURAL
South Texas Tack
4765 Hwy 290 E
Brenham TX 77833
United States
New STT Cutting Saddle in half natural slick out and half windmill tool. Comes with Nettle's 2" all purpose wood stirrups attached. Ready to pickup or ship today!
STT Custom Cutting Saddle
STT Tree
Seat: 15", 15.5", 16", 16.5"
Half natural slick out
Half windmill tool
Gullet: 6 3/4"
Swell Height: 8.5"
Bar Spread: 13 1/2"
Cantle: 3"
Comes with: Off billet, tie strap, back cinch, stirrups
Nettles All Purpose 2" wood stirrups
(**concho style will vary with each saddle)
(**each color shade can and will vary as is the very individual nature of leather)
STT Tree warranty 10 years