Professional's Choice 7 Shank Collection Wide Ported Chain Bit
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Professional's Choice 7 Shank Collection Wide Ported Chain Bit
4765 Hwy 290 E
4765 Hwy 290 E
Brenham TX 77833
United States
The Professional Choice 7 Shank Collection Wide Ported Chain Bit has more weight behind the mouthpiece. This allows quick release from the hands. If you are transitioning from an O-ring or D-ring bit, this one will be perfect for you! With the wide ported chain mouthpiece it is a step up from the traditional ported chain bit. This bit is a little more aggressive on the tongue and pallet since it does not have much tongue relief.
Professional Choice
7 Shank Collection
Wide Ported
Chain Bit
5 1/8" Mouth
6 1/2" Cheek