Equiderma 16 Oz Skin Lotion
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Equiderma 16 Oz Skin Lotion
South Texas Tack
4765 Hwy 290 E
Brenham TX 77833
United States
Equiderma 16 Oz Skin Lotion helps with rain rot, scratches, ma;;enders, mane and tail itching, sweet itch (insect bite reactions), summer sores, dandruff and more! The ingredients attack and kill bacterial and fungal infections that cause most equine skin aliments. Simple to use, just was the area thoroughly to remove all dirt, rinse well and towel dry and then apply lotion to affected area with sponge or hand towel. This is made from mineral oil, chlorhexidine, lavender essential oil, and trichloromethyl .006%
16 Oz
Skin Lotion